Author Archives: chris

About chris

Chris Semal was born in New York City in 1959 and has lived there all his life. He is aware that other places exist and likes to visit them from time to time, but the city is a hard mistress to resist and he keeps going back to her. A musician, singer and songwriter, he has played pretty much every rock club in Manhattan at one time or another since the late 70s and went to school at the University of Miami to study Music Engineering, coming back north to do the only obvious thing possible, becoming a municipal bond broker and eventually working as a consultant building financial models. In the early part of the millennium, between both consulting and band gigs, he thought it might be interesting to see what would happen if he expanded on the 80 or so words he used in writing song lyrics and went for the 80,000 he would need for a novel. And so Trial Of Tears was born, along with a passion for developing plots and characters.

December 21st, 2011

The release date for Trial of Tears is not set in stone as yet, but it looks to be mid February. What better Valentine could you get than this? Stay tuned for an on-line video interview with the Lit Chick … Continue reading

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Letting Go

What’s the difference between letting go and giving up? They’re more or less the same thing, but the approach leading up and what you take away from it make all the difference. Letting go comes from the realization that whatever … Continue reading

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October 27th, 2011

I’m very happy to have taken on Julie Schoerke of JKS Communications as my publicist. She assures me that global domination is just around the corner. Next stop is the distributor.

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September 30th, 2011

Got permission from Neil Peart of Rush to quote a line from Hemispheres in the book. Very cool! Also, the publicist interviews have come down to 2 candidates. After the bathing suit competition, I will be announcing the winner. Stay … Continue reading

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September 7th, 2011

Like a parent putting their child on the school bus for the first time, I experienced the same trepidations sending the manuscript off to the printer this week. Would it be O.K.? Would it get beaten up by the bigger … Continue reading

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July 29th, 2011

I’m adding pieces to this site, quite a learning process, as is the figuring out of Adobe InDesign, which creates the typography. I long for the simpler days when all I had to do was use a burnt stick to … Continue reading

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Good morning, campers!

A blank canvas stretched across an easel; a pristine page; a solid, uncarved chunk of marble sitting on a pedestal; the hiss of blank tape running through a recorder. OK, I’m dating myself with the tape reference. Everyone records digitally … Continue reading

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